“Where do grandmas go when they die?"
There’s only one thing for it, an investigation!
Leaving their den at the bottom of the garden, Timmy (age 10) and Poppy (age 5) go on an action packed adventure to try and find Poppy’s grandma who has recently died. Poppy wants to tell her “something really important” but they’ve got to find her first!
With unlimited imagination & creative play they travel through lands magical, memorable and familiar. Told through music, movement and drama, Grandma 0n The Moon is a beautiful story showing how we can keep those we have loved alive within our hearts and minds even though they are no longer with us.
It’s a heart warming, brain storming, magical adventure!
This play shows it is ok to have fun
…even though someone you love has died
Grandma on the Moon
The death of a close family member is the most devastating loss a child will ever face. Every half hour a child in Britain loses a parent and the rate at which they lose either a grandparent, close school friend or mentor is higher still.
Our research partners identified a clear need within Britain to promote conversations around death and dying and a need to challenge taboos. Children also grieve differently to adults leading to misunderstandings and lost opportunities of support.
To address this, we wanted to create a beautiful, high quality piece of theatre exploring death & bereavement from a child’s perspective – which was also fun! We wanted to use movement, music and drama to engage our audiences and create a rhythm which mirrored a child being “in and out of grief”.
We also wanted to show the importance of memories, keeping those we have loved alive within our hearts and minds even though they are no longer with us.
Research began in 2017 in partnership with Penhaligon’s Friends, a Cornish charity supporting bereaved children, young people, parents and carers throughout Cornwall. A successful Creation Space grant from Hall for Cornwall began the exploration process and Research & Development took place in January 2018 supported by grants from the Arts Council, FEAST, Smartline & Cultivator.
The play further developed in May 2018 when it was showcased to outstanding reviews and with the support of a further Arts Council grant began to tour nationally in May 2019.
The difference between adult and child grief
is sometimes illustrated by the following:
a child jumps in and out of puddles of grief,
but an adult is deep in a river,
being swept along with the current,
finding it very difficult to get out.
Usefull Links

A national network of organisations working with bereaved children and young people and their families.

Supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or when a child is facing bereavement.

Bereavement care for adults
and children

Childhood bereavement support with national helpline.