What do you see?
An extremely moving portrayal of the changes the can be made. Brilliant play.
Click Here for the Playlist
What do you see?
Everyone should see this play! Perfectly captured the importance of well trained, motivated care staff and understanding the person behind the disease
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What do you see?
You should be so proud of how thought provoking your play is
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What do you see?

The story about the transformation of Joan Marshall’s care home.

Acting as a companion piece to Grandma Remember Me? What do you see? follows the later stages of dementia. It looks at the importance of life histories within person-centred care, challenges taboos around death and shows the possibility of choice and the empowerment advance care planning brings.

It takes good leadership to impact change and, important as it is to create a positive environment and culture of care for residents, it is equally important to create a work environment that staff want to work in.

Amazing! Thought-provoking & to the point.
What a wonderful resource for anyone involved in Dementia Care. Thank you!

What do you see?

Some people are not prepared for how they may feel the first time they leave a loved one in a care home, I know I wasn’t.

Some people are not prepared for how they may feel the first time they leave a loved one in a care home, I know I wasn’t.

I remember feeling relief that mum was going to be safe and cared for, looked after by trained professionals. I remember trying to laugh with her on that first visit, wanting her to be happy, hugging her as I said goodbye.

As the lift doors closed I remember telling myself it was for the best but then I heard her crying saying she wanted to go home. I sat in the car overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, grief and a sense of failure. It was like being hit with a sledgehammer.

In time mum settled down and the visits develop a familiarity and routine of their own. You get to know the staff and residents and life moves on as it inevitably must. A good care home supports everyone through this process.

However, imagine this journey with a care home that lacks dignity and care. During a Q&A after Grandma Remember Me? a lady told us: “It took me seven care homes before I found one I’d put my dog in, let alone my mother.”

Some may find this statement shocking or outside their experience, for others it may resonate with truth.

Because of the success of Grandma Remember Me? Az2B was asked to develop a second play exploring the later stages of dementia and issues around care homes and end of life palliative care. We know from our research that there are some amazing care homes out there. We decided to focus our exploration on how to impact positive change through education, awareness and understanding.

Our 3 key questions were:

  1. How do you transform a failing care home?
  2. How could the transition of going into a care home 
    be made easier for the person with dementia, their carer 
    and their family?
  3. How do you prepare for death?

What do you see? was developed through research, collaboration and improvisation. The Az2B team created new characters with distinct personalities and voices, heightening the theatricality with mask work and life sized puppetry. Real life situations were explored, navigated with honesty, humour and respect by our director along with a multitude of chats, biscuits and cups of tea!

Heart-breaking but
beautiful and accurate.
Everyone needs to see this.

Themes covered within
“What Do You See?”

  • Staff motivation
  • The importance of good leadership
  • Advance care planning
  • Life histories & reminiscence work
  • The importance of discussing death
  • Involving children within these discussions
  • Lasting power of attorney, advocacy, organ donation, making of will & funeral  arrangements
  • Person centred care
  • Giving the person with Dementia “A Voice”
  • Validation of the importance of family within the journey of dementia
  • The Gold Standards Framework & EPaCCS
  • Importance of stimulation
  • Dignity within care

Usefull Links

Alzheimer’s Society



Person centred tools & training



Promotes discussion around death & dying and offers support



Information about death cafes,
tea, cake & conversation