Molly Banks


Molly studied Theatre and Contemporary dance at The Hub Theatre School and Bath University. She began her career as an apprentice with C-Scape dance Company on their Guilty Fingers tour. She has continued to work with C-Scape throughout her career, dancing in the Lord Mayors Parade, The landings Project at Trebah Garden, at festivals and many other bonkers events!

Next was a long stint with Rogue Theatre in Madame Lucinder’s Wonder Show as Lolo the Clown, along with all kinds of festival walk-about Biographies and youth projects. In 2009 Molly joined Bish Bash Bosh Theatre Company touring with Surfing Tommies, The Tin Violin and as stage manager in A Mere Interlude. She has worked as Emily Browning’s stand-in on the
film A Summer In February as well as various other short film roles.

Molly has also had fun choreographing for the BBC and ITV’s Doc Martin. Alongside her Theatre work Molly has sung in bands for 22 years, fronting the Swing band ‘Some Like It Hot’ and as an original member of ‘The Peoples String Foundation’ – highlights including performances Glastonbury and The Hall For Cornwall. Grandma On The Moon is Molly’s directing debut and she has loved every minute!

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